Flourishing with Gardening – HT Treasure Box Series Latest News


In the latest episode, we have invited Dr Nicolson Yat-fan SIU, Registered Horticultural Therapist to demonstrate the making of a Dried Flowers Cupcake. It is a dried flowers arrangement using a small cup as container. Clients can get creative in designing their own cupcakes. The finished cupcakes will be a feast for the eyes and they never expire!
Special thanks go to our collaborative partner “St. James Settlement Continued Education Center” and all instructors contributed to the programme.



In this episode, HKATH has invited Ms Elaine Yuen-ling CHAN, Registered Horticultural Therapist to demonstrate the making of two beautiful Dried Flowers Bottles, illustrating the uses of flowers she air dried in Episode 10. The first bottle displays a small dried flower bouquet contrasted with colored sand and stones, the second is a variation of a herbal sachet in which the transparent bottle allows us not only to smell the scents of the flowers but also see their vibrant colors. Both bottles are easy to make and suitable for many types of clients. The finished artwork exudes a lasting charm of dried flowers that surely brightens up the day, whether it’s for personal use or as a gift.
If you want to be notified of the coming episodes, remember to “Follow” and “Like” our FB Page “香港園藝治療協會hkath”! Don’t forget to “Subscribe” our YouTube Channel “HK HKATH”! Special thanks go to our collaborative partner “St. James Settlement Continued Education Center” and all instructors contributed to the programme.



In this episode, we have invited Mr Andy On-tik TANG, Assistant Horticultural Therapist of HKATH demonstrating the creation of a mini aquarium for air plants. Air plants thrive almost everywhere, requiring neither flower pots nor soil. You can see how Andy designed a mini aquarium with a wire spiral to provide minimal support and stable humidity to nourish the air plant. The finished product combines the beauty of an air plant with that of a lovely aquarium landscape. The activity can be adapted to different types of clients and is a great chance to get creative. If you want to be notified of the coming episodes, remember to “Follow” and “Like” our FB Page “香港園藝治療協會 hkath”! Don’t forget to “Subscribe” our YouTube Channel “HK HKATH”! Special thanks go to our collaborative partner “St. James Settlement Continued Education Center” and all instructors contributed to the programme.



In this episode, we have invited Ms Elaine Yuen-ling CHAN, RHT of HKATH demonstrating the making of Basket Flower Arrangement. Flower arrangement is a common activity that suits many types of clients. The beautiful finished products will surely put a smile on everyone’s face . Elaine will talk about the selection of flowers as well as the use and benefits of wet floral foam. These basic knowledge will be very useful when designing horticultural therapy activities.
If you want to be notified of the coming episodes, remember to “Follow” and “Like” our FB Page “香港園藝治療協會hkath”! Don’t forget to “Subscribe” our YouTube Channel “HK HKATH”! Special thanks go to our collaborative partner “St. James Settlement Continued Education Center” and all instructors contributed to the programme.



In this episode, Ms Maia Sau-han TAM, RHT and Supervisor of HKATH demonstrated two creative uses of plants, namely plant dyeing and making a teru teru bozu – the Japanese sunny doll with herbs. Plants are the major sources of natural dyes. Maia shared a simple method of dyeing with plants, and then illustrated how to create a teru teru bozu from plant dyed cloth, making use of the herbs dried by fellow RHT June LAU in Episode 3. The teru teru bozu doll looks cute and smells pleasantly, and could be used to deliver blessings and encouragement
If you want to be notified of the coming episodes, remember to “Follow” and “Like” our FB Page “香港園藝治療協會hkath”! Don’t forget to “Subscribe” our YouTube Channel “HK HKATH”! Special thanks go to our collaborative partner “St. James Settlement Continued Education Center” and all instructors contributed to the programme.



In this episode, we have invited Ms Can Wai-ling CHOI, RHT of HKATH sharing how to create a miniature water garden using foliage plants. A simple method of transferring plants from soil to water, as well as division and cutting propagation are demonstrated. Growing plants in water in transparent containers looks elegant and has advantages in plant care. Let’s create your own water gardens and think about applying the ideas in HT programs.

If you want to be notified of the coming episodes, remember to “Follow” and “Like” our FB Page “香港園藝治療協會hkath”! Don’t forget to “Subscribe” our YouTube Channel “HK HKATH”! Special thanks go to our collaborative partner “St. James Settlement Continued Education Center” and all instructors contributed to the programme.



Here’s the latest episode of “Flourishing with Gardening – HT Treasure Box”, we are happy to have Ms Maia Sau-han TAM, RHT and Supervisor of HKATH, demonstrating the creation of a mini forest using vegetable and fruit seeds. People are familiar with these seeds and will be amazed to see that they could be grown in ordinary flower pots as ornamental plants. Let’s collect seeds in your daily life now to grow small forests for yourself, and accumulate experience for future HT activities. Watching the seeds sprouting and slow-breeding into a mini forest surely bring hope and encouragement to different type of clients.



Here’s the latest episode of “Flourishing with Gardening – HT Treasure Box”, we are happy to have Mr Tony Fuk-san WONG, RHT of HKATH, demonstrating how to make a mini scarecrow. Scarecrows are mainly used in the farmland to scare the birds away. Tony specifically demonstrated a mini version in the same way to make it easy for the audience to learn the creation steps. The audience can try out the method to make scarecrows of various sizes for different planting environments, and to design scarecrow activities to suit different types of clients.
If you want to be notified of the coming episodes, remember to “Follow” and “Like” our FB Page “香港園藝治療協會hkath”! Don’t forget to “Subscribe” our YouTube Channel “HK HKATH”! Special thanks go to our collaborative partner “St. James Settlement Continued Education Center” and all instructors contributed to the programme.



Here’s the latest episode of “Flourishing with Gardening – HT Treasure Box: Growing Succulents with DIY Flower Pot”, we are happy to have Ms Can Wai-ling CHOI, RHT of HKATH, demonstrating how to make a flower pot from wooden sticks and dried stems. This DIY flower pot exudes a natural beauty and is particularly suitable for growing succulents, which Can also demonstrated in the episode.
If you want to be notified of the coming episodes, remember to “Follow” and “Like” our FB Page “香港園藝治療協會hkath”! Don’t forget to “Subscribe” our YouTube Channel “HK HKATH”! Special thanks go to our collaborative partner “St. James Settlement Continued Education Center” and all instructors contributed to the programme.


Here’s the latest episode of “Flourishing with Gardening – HT Treasure Box”, we are happy to have Ms Brenda Suk-kwan LEUNG, RHT of HKATH, demonstrating how to use air-dried herbs to create a Petit Herbs Bag. There are many herb species each with unique fragrance and characteristics, bringing rich sensory stimulation to the clients. Making the herbs bag is fun and refreshes one’s body and spirit, and it always brings sense of success and satisfaction to the clients.
If you want to be notified of the coming episodes, remember to “Follow” and “Like” our FB Page “HK HKATH”! Don’t forget to “Subscribe” our YouTube Channel “HK HKATH”! Special thanks go to our collaborative partner “St. James Settlement Continued Education Center” and all instructors contributed to the programme.
(hkath link)

(St James link)



Here’s the latest episode of “Flourishing with Gardening – HT Treasure Box”, we are happy to have Ms June Kit-ming LAU, RHT and Supervisor of HKATH, demonstrating how to air-dry herbs and citrus peels as well as collecting basil seeds. June also shared a lot of beautiful products which clients made from dried herbs during HT sessions.
If you want to be notified of the coming episodes, remember to “Follow” and “Like” our FB Page “香港园艺治疗协会hkath”! Don’t forget to “Subscribe” our YouTube Channel “HK HKATH”! Special thanks go to our collaborative partner “St. James Settlement Continued Education Center” and all instructors contributed to the programme.