Structure of HKATH
President (Internal)
- Maia Tam

- Nicloson Siu, Tony Wong

- Sum Kwok

- Bonnie Wong

Research Committee
- Nicloson Siu
- June Lau
- Paul Chan

Professional Registration & Internship Committee
- Maia Tam
- Alice Yuen
Education Committee
- Connie Fung
- Training
- Maia Tam
- Membership Programmes
- Soo Sze to
- Carmen Lai
- Horticulture
- Vincent Lee
- HKATH Practical Field
- Tony Wong

Development Committee
- Connie Fung
- Communication
- Emily Shum
- Miranda Lee
- Mainland
- Ken Liang
- Macau SAR
- Neville Vong
- Taiwan
- Ray Chen
- Singapore
- Jolland Lau
Marketing Committee
- Connie Fung
- Public Relation
- Grace Chan
- Web Development
- Elaine Chan
- Event
- Amelia Tso
- Product
- Winnie Chan
Publication Committee
- Sum Kwok
Meet the President
Ms Connie Fung Yuen Yee gained her professional status of HTR in 2004 from the American Horticultural Therapy Association. In 2007, she decided to return from the U.S. to Hong Kong to promote horticultural therapy, and established HKATH in the following year. She has taught every student in the association and has written 2 books for them. In 2015, she received the “Rhea McCandliss Professional Service Award” for her contributions to the horticultural therapy industry.
She is now one of the leaders of the field and plays key roles in teaching, researching as well as promoting HT. She is also the Honorary Advisor in China Federation of Social Work and the Advisor and Strategic Expert in Home for the Aged Guangzhou.
Download the book purchase form (Chinese only)
Research Committee
Dr. Siu, Yat-fan Nicolson , 蕭一凡博士, Lecturer, Division of Social Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大學社會科學部講師
Lau Kit Ming, June 劉潔明 Master of Science, The University of Hong Kong 香港大學理科碩士, Co-chairman, Research Committee, Hong Kong Association of Therapeutic Horticulture香港園藝治療協會科研委員會聯席主席, Registered Horticultural Therapist (Supervisor), Hong Kong Association of Therapeutic Horticulture香港園藝治療協會 註冊園藝治療師(督導)
Dr. Paul Shing-fong Chan 陳盛芳博士 PhD (Public Health), The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 哲學博士(公共衛生), Master of Education (Guidance & Counseling), The University of Hong Kong 香港大學 教育碩士(輔導), Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Mathematics), The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 教育文憑(數學), Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology), The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 社會科學學士(心理學)
M&A of the HKATH
Download the M&A of the Hong Kong Association of Therapeutic Horticulture.