Become an RHT
HKATH is the sole organization providing HT professional certification system in Hong Kong. The certification system has 4 levels.
Registration Levels
Registered Horticultural Therapist (Supervisor) (HKATH)
- Be a valid RHT and renewed HKATH’s membership annually.
- Successfully completed HKATH accredited HT Supervisor Course.
- Experience of conducting on-site internship observation and endorsing HT internship proposal
- After promoting to assistant internship supervisor, he / she should accumulate experience of endorsing proposals and conducting on-site internship observations for 8 HT internship groups within two internship cycles.
- He / She should endorse proposal and conduct on-site observation for the same HT internship group.
- After the registration of RHT, he / she should have a minimum of 3 years of HT practical experience, and conducted at least 6 relevant HT groups with at least 8 sessions for each group and at least one hour for each session.
- After the registration of RHT, he / she should accumulate 30 hours for participating in HT programs/projects, workshops, symposium, study tours, etc. accredited by HKATH.
- Sharing of HT Experience:
- Delivering the keynote speech or preparing the speech script for at least two occasions including symposium, sharing session, seminar, etc. accredited by HKATH. The duration of each speech should not be less than 45 minutes.
- Writing at least two feature articles and publishing in HKATH Newsletters or other books and publications. Number of words for each feature article should not be less than 500 in English or 1000 in Chinese.
- Instructing at least two observers for on-site observation.
This level is applicable to those RHT who are full of enthusiasm, and wish to bear the responsibility of training. Horticultural Therapy Supervisor can take up the role of supervisor in HKATH, offering training to AHT and RHT.
Registered Horticultural Therapist (HKATH)
Academic Qualifications: A recognized Bachelor Degree or Equivalent
Training Courses: Accredited HT Elementary, Intermediate , Advanced, HT Practice, General Psychology and Group Dynamics Certificate Courses
Internship Hours: 400 Hours including planning and conducting at least 6 professional supervised HT internship groups.
This level is applicable to those who have strong interest in HT, and wish to join the HT profession. This is the main level among those professional registrations, RHT is capable of planning and conducting HT programs independently.
Assistant Horticultural Therapist (HKATH)
Academic Qualifications:
- Obtained Five HKDSE subjects at level 2 or above, including Chinese Language and English Language; OR
- Obtained Five HKCEE subjects at Grade E or above, including Chinese Language and English Language; OR
- Equivalent
Training Courses: Accredited HT Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced Certificate Courses
Internship Hours: 200 Hours including planning and conducting at least 4 professional supervised HT internship groups.
This level is applicable to those who have strong interest in HT, and wish to join the HT profession. AHT is capable of planning and conducting HT activities/programs under the supervision of RHT*. (*Accredited by HKATH or American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA)
Horticultural Therapy Facilitator (HKATH)
Academic Qualifications: Completed Secondary 3 level or Equivalent
Training Courses: Accredited HT Elementary Certificate Course & HT Certificate Course – Horticulture Practice
Internship Hours: 60 Hours
– Accumulated HT internship hours can be carried forward to the registration of AHT and RHT.
– *HT Certificate Course – Horticulture Practice (*30 HT internship hours are assigned)
– The remaining 30 HT internship hours should include 12 face-to-face contact hours with clients while assisting in HKATH accredited HT groups / programs.
This level is applicable to those who wish to continue to participate and assist in HT activities.