

Validation of the Non-pharmacological Therapy Experience Scale

验证「非药物疗法体验量表」 2017-2018

Investigators 研究员




冯婉仪 (香港园艺治療协会注册园艺治疗师及协会主席)

Centre for Gerontological Nursing, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong and Hong Kong Association of Therapeutic Horticulture is working on a study for “Validation of the Non-pharmacological Therapy Experience Scale”.


这个探索研究曾经在首尔的14th EAFONS发表。

Horticultural Therapy on Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder comorbid with Intellectual Disabilities(Eng Ver)

园艺治疗对患有自闭症谱系兼有智力障碍人士的成效 (中文版)2016-2017

Elsie Wong 1, Penny Sze 1, Cheung Sin Chun 1

FUNG Yuen Yee, Connie 2, SIU Yat Fan, Nicolson 2

1 Fu Hong Society 扶康会

2 Hong Kong Association of Therapeutic Horticulture 香港园艺治疗协会

“Effects of Horticulture on Frail and Prefrail Nursing Home Residents: A Randomized Controlled Trial” was published at Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA) on 24 May 2018.

Claudia K.Y. Lai PhD a, Rick Y.C. Kwan PhD a, Shirley K.L. Lo MN a, Mimi M.Y. Tse PhD a

Connie Y.Y. Fung MSc b, Jordan K.H. Lau BSW c

a School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, SAR, China

b The Hong Kong Association of Therapeutic Horticulture, Hong Kong, SAR, China

c Pok Oi Hospital, Hong Kong, SAR, China

Free access to final version of above article on ScienceDirect before September 13, 2018, clicking on this link.  https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1XRqw5QyCp~FHd

The Effect of Horticultural Therapy (HT) on the Self-efficacy of Frail Older People in Residential Care

园艺治疗对院舍的体弱长者在自我效能感方面的效益 2014-2016

Lai, C. K. Y. 1, Kwan, R. Y. C. 1, Tse, M. M. Y. 1, Lo, S. K. L. 1, Fung, C. 2, & Lau, J. 3

1 School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 香港理工大学护理学院

2 The Hong Kong Association of Therapeutic Horticulture, Hong Kong 香港园艺治疗协会

3 Pok Oi Hospital Jockey Club Care and Attention Home, Hong Kong博爱医院赛马会护理安老院

“An Exploratory Study on the Effect of Horticultural Therapy for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities” was published at Journal of Therapeutic Horticulture (AHTA), 26 (2) in 2017.

Lai, C.K.Y., Ho, L.Y.W., Kwan, R.Y.C., Fung, C., Mak, Y.W.

This research is a collaboration between HKATH and Professor Lai and her team at the Centre for Gerontological Nursing, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Horticultural Therapy for Mentally Handicapped Adults

园艺治疗应用于智障人士 2013-2015

Claudia KY LAI 1, Yim Wah MAK 1, Rick YC Kwan 1, & Connie YY Fung 2

1 School of Nursing (SN), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) 香港理工大学护理学院

2 Registered Horticultural Therapist, HKATH香港园艺治疗协会

The effect of horticultural therapy on the quality of life of palliative care patients

园艺治疗对纾缓治疗病人生活质量的影响 was published at Journal of Psychosocial Oncology in 2017.

Claudia Kam-Yuk Lai , PhD, RN, FAAN, Carmen Ka-Yan Lau ,RN, MScN, Wai Yin Kan, RN, MScN,


Connie Yuen Yee Fung RSW, HTR

This research is a collaboration between HKATH , Professor Lai and her team at the Centre for Gerontological Nursing, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Haven of Hope Hospital.

The Effect of Horticulture Therapy (HT) for Patients with Terminal Illness

园艺治疗对于晚期病人的效益   2012-2014

Lai CKY 1, Kan WY 1, Lam WM 2, Chan LN 2 & Fung YY 3

1 School of Nursing (SN), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) 香港理工大学护理学院

2 Haven of Hope Hospital, Hospital Authority灵实医院

3 Hong Kong Association of Therapeutic Horticulture, Hong Kong香港园艺治疗协会

Patient Protection in the Use of Horticultural Therapy for Different Populations


Lai CKY 1, Kwan RYC 1, Kan WY 1 & Fung CYY 2

1 School of Nursing (SN), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), Hong Kong香港理工大学护理学院

2 Hong Kong Association of Therapeutic Horticulture 香港园艺治疗协会

*The Impact of Horticulture Therapy (HT) for Frail Residents in Nursing Homes: A Pilot Study

园艺治疗应用于疗养院的体弱长者:探索研究 2010-2011

Claudia Kam Yuk Lai1, Connie Yuen Yee Fung2

1 School of Nursing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong香港理工大学护理学院

2 Hong Kong Association of Therapeutic Horticulture, Hong Kong香港园艺治疗协会

*Horticulture Therapy (HT) for Residents with Dementia in a Nursing Home: A Pilot Study

园艺治疗应用于疗养院的认知障碍症长者:探索研究 2010

*This study has been presented in the 14th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) at Seoul.  这个探索研究曾经在首尔的14th EAFONS发表。