World Therapeutic Horticulture Day – 18 May
World Therapeutic Horticulture Day – 18 May
世界園藝治療日 – 5月18日
Join us for a global celebration of ‘World Therapeutic Horticulture Day’ on the 18th of May.
Therapeutic horticulture is a practice that involves using plants, gardens, and nature to help people improve their health, wellbeing and quality of life.
#worldtherapeutichorticultureday #wthd
世界園藝治療日 – 5月18日
大家5月18日有咩做呢?不如一齊親親園藝,來響應「世界園藝治療日」啦。如果你哋5月15日至21日有做過園藝或者園藝治療既活動,記得TAG我哋呀! (@香港園藝治療協會hkath)
#Mirela Maganha
#Siamo l’orto più bello del mondo
#Carolinas Horticultural Therapy Network